Part A)
In addition,there is also a use of props such as the gun he is holding which could connote violence.Having said that,the protagonist and the femme fatal have similar facial expressions aswell as looking in the same direction which shows that they are about to kill someone. The low-key lighting also helps to create a chiaroscuro effect as the shadows enhances the dramatic effect particularly for the femme fatale.Finally,the filler lights are also used to enhance both characters personality in the film,allowing the audience to assume that the protagonist will be led eventually to a disaster by the femme fatale.
Part B)
This scene is introduced by the femme fatale entering the door at an office whilst wielding a gun,causing the characters in the office to be afraid of her and cast an evil side for the woman,allowing the audience to see that she will cause trouble later in the film.To begin with,there is a use of high-key lighting to expose the femme fatale's bad side therefore allowing the audience to again see clearly what is occuring in the frame.In addition,top lighting is used as the key light mainly foccused upon the femme fatale hence the use of the gun allows the audience to question what is the femme fatale after.
Moreover,the femme fatale escapes with the protagonist and then shoots/kills a innocent character for no reason at all,exposing what a truly evil character she is.Although most film noir movies use a low-key lighting, this scene has a consistent use of high-key lighting as it would be more effective directly showing the setting to the audience.Finally,the use of the gun is continuously shown throughout this scene,connoting danger to everyone as she always keeps the gun by her side.Maybe later on in the film,she may kill the protagonist because of greed and evilness.
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